Go to the web site sddanceworks.com to find:
Recital Programs, Rehearsal Schedule, County Fair Programs and link to Individual Dancer Schedules.
The information is also posted at the studio.
Pre-Order Recital Gift Merchandise Online
You can order gift table merchandise online this year!
Order raffle tickets, personalized candygrams and more online and pick them up at the event.
The deadline is June 17th.
Dress Rehearsals at CPMA Begin June 20th
Please arrive to rehearsals in costume with hair and makeup already done!
Competition Food Fundraiser During Rehearsals
Danceworks competition team will be selling food on Saturday June 23 between rehearsals and the 7 pm Performance and on Sunday between the 3:30 pm and 7 pm performances.
Pre-order your food or purchase the day of.
The deadline is June 17th.
Advertise in the 2018 Recital Program!
Send us your business logo or shout outs to print in the program.
The deadline is June 1st.
No Classes Saturday June 23rd
Due to rehearsals, there will not be any classes in the studio Saturday June 23rd.
County Fair Packets
Teachers will be handing out your pass, which allows entry for one dancer and one chaperone, map and entry information to the fair. This email also has the map and entry information attached.  Friends and family members who are carpooling can buy tickets in the same area where the special events staff collect your passes.
Studio Half Day June 27th
Due to County Fair performances the studio will close early. No classes after 11AM.
Studio Session Ends June 30th
The current studio schedule ends June 30th. All classes are closed, all students are dropped.
Registration for our 5 – Week Summer Session is Open.
Summer Camp spots are being reserved quickly, register here.
The 2018 – 2019 Studio Session will begin September 1st. Registration will open
Lost & Found
Here are some photos from our lost and found.
We will be donating these items at the end of June.
New Sunday Classes Beginning in July!
Danceworks will be offering an array of Sunday dance classes July 15th – August 12th.
(Updated 5/18/19)
