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Danceworks Newsletter: Welcome Back! Session begins Tuesday, September 3rd

Writer's picture: Mary WatsonMary Watson

Welcome New and Returning Students to our 2019 – 2020 Dance Season!

The 2019 – 2020 Season will begin Tuesday, September 3rd and will end Saturday June 27th 2020.

2019 – 2020 Office Hours








10:00 AM


 8:00 PM

9:00 AM 

6:00 PM

9:00 AM 

 6:30 PM

9:00 AM


 6:00 PM

Office Closed

8:30 AM 

 1:30 PM

Office Closed


The Nutcracker Pointer.gif

Our 2019 Nutcracker Recital Date is Sunday December 8th at CPMA

Two shows will be held 3:30 and 7:00 PM. The Nutcracker has a main cast with rehearsals on Saturdays. Please register below if your dancer is interested in being a part of the main cast.

The Party Scene does not require an audition.

Auditions will be held Saturday, September 7th from 4 PM – 8 PM

Classes with a ‘¶’ symbol on the schedule will be participating in the Nutcracker.

Classes participating rehearse their dances in class.  Most classes will be in one performance.

They are required to attend a dress rehearsal on Saturday December 7th.


Tuition Pointer.gif
  1. A statement is sent on the 1st of each month when tuition and fees are added to your Jack Rabbit Portal.

  2. Tuition is auto-debited from your credit card on the 5th of each month.

  3. You are always welcome to sign in after the 1st and make a payment before the 5th.

  4. A late fee of $15 will be assessed if tuition is not paid on or before the fifth.

Recital Fees Pointer.gif
  1. San Diego Danceworks produces two performances a year; in December (The Nutcracker) and in June (Summer Recital).

  2. Recitals are optional and the recital fee is $50.00 per family.

  3. The fee includes 2 adult tickets to the performance.

  4. Please refer to the list above for classes participating in the Nutcracker. The costume fee of $60.00 for the Nutcracker performance will be added to your JackRabbit portal with your tuition on September 1st and will be auto debited with tuition on September 5th.The Nutcracker recital fee of $50.00 will be added to your JackRabbit portal by October 1st and auto debited from your account with tuition on October 5th. 

  5. Dancers participating in the Nutcracker are committed to staying enrolled and responsible for monthly tuition October thru December.

  6. Once costumes are ordered there are no refunds.



Are you interested in carpooling to the studio?

Your information will be shared with other registered students only.


As a reminder, this session ends June 27th 2019

Any drop requests require a 30 day notice

To submit a drop request or transfer in enrollment use this form here

All changes in enrollment must be made through the office

All students will remain enrolled throughout the season unless given a 30 day notice

All students will be automatically dropped at the end of the session: June 27th 2019

Makeup classes can be taken 30 days before or after the day of absence

Waitlisted classes are not available for trial or makeup classes

As a reminder, please look at your billing statements which are emailed the 1st of every month

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